The corporate structure is the backbone of any business, and it’s important to choose the right one. The most common corporate entities in Africa are a Mauritius Global Business Corporation (GBC) and an operating company in Kenya. This article will explain how to set up these two types of corporations, as well as some other options for African expansion.
Mauritius Global Business Corporation as an asset protection vehicle.
Mauritius Global Business Corporation (MGBC) is a special-purpose vehicle that can be used for asset protection, tax planning, and anti-corruption measures. It is designed to protect your assets from litigation or corrupt government officials by creating layers between you and your business interests. In addition to these benefits, an MGB also provides flexibility in terms of how it operates: you can use it as a holding company or an operating entity depending on your needs at any given moment.
Kenyan public company limited by shares.
A public company is the most common type of corporate structure in Kenya. It’s a widely used business model because it allows you to raise capital from investors and bring in third-party professionals with experience in running companies at scale.
Public companies have some disadvantages, too: They’re subject to strict disclosure requirements and must file financial statements with the government every year (or more often). That makes them more expensive than private entities–but if you’re looking for growth capital or want access to certain types of investment sources, a public company may be right for you.
How do I set up my public limited company? To form a Kenyan plc., you need two things: an authorized capitalization (the total amount of money that can be raised through issuing shares) and a registered office address where all legal documents will be kept. You’ll also need at least seven shareholders six of whom each holds at least a 1% equity stake in exchange for their investment; these people would MAY then become directors on behalf of themselves as well as any other shareholders who buy into your business later down its lifespan.”
Kenyan Private Company Limited by shares.
Kenyan private company limited by shares is an excellent choice for anyone looking to establish a business in Kenya. It offers several advantages, including:
Kenyan co-operative.
Kenyan co-operatives are a form of business that is owned by its members and governed by its members. They are regulated by the Co-operative Societies Act, Cap 486. The objective of Kenyan co-operatives is to provide goods, services, or credit to their members at affordable prices; promote thrift; provide employment to members; ensure fair trade practices in business transactions between producers and consumers; ensure that profits are shared among all stakeholders including employees through dividends paid on capital invested (shares) or interest earned from deposits held with them (deposits).
How do you set up a Kenyan cooperative?
Using a Mauritius holding company and a Kenyan operating company.
Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. As one of the world’s most popular offshore financial centers, it offers asset protection and tax benefits for foreign investors.
Mauritian companies are subject to less stringent regulations than those in many other jurisdictions (for example, there are no requirements for director’s or shareholders’ meetings). This makes them ideal vehicles for international business expansion into Africa or anywhere else where you need strong asset protection but doesn’t want to deal with complicated legal issues like shareholder resolutions or annual general meetings.
Setting up a Mauritian holding company requires little more than registering your company name with your local registrar and paying any applicable fees; after that, you can open bank accounts at any financial institution on-island without needing any special authorization from authorities there (or even leaving home!).
We have provided a highlevel overview of the different corporate structures that you can use to expand your African business. We hope this article has been helpful and will help you make an informed decision on which structure is right for your needs!
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